Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Permanent Ceasefire

This mornig, at 12:30h, ETA, Euskadi ta Askatasuna (Basque Land and Freedom) declared a permanent ceasefire to encourage the democratic process that is happening in the Basque Country to achieve peace. Here is the text in english of the communication of ETA declaring this permanent ceasefire:

Message from Euskadi Ta Askatasuna [Eta] to the Basque people.

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna has decided to declare a permanent ceasefire from 24 March 2006.
The aim of this decision is to promote a democratic process in Euskal Herria [the Basque Country] in order to build a new framework within which our rights as a people are recognised, and guarantee the opportunity to develop all political options in the future.
At the end of this process, Basque citizens must have a say on their future.
The Spanish and French states must recognise the results of this democratic process, without limitations of any kind. The decision we Basque citizens make on our future will have to be respected.
We call on all the interested parties to act responsibly and to be consistent with the step taken by Eta.
Eta calls on the Spanish and French authorities to respond positively to this new situation, leaving repression aside.
Lastly, we call on Basque men and women to get involved in this process and to fight for our rights as a people.
Eta is showing its desire and will for the process opened to reach its end, thereby achieving a truly democratic situation for Euskal Herria, ending the long years of conflict and building a peace based on justice.
We reaffirm our commitment to continue taking steps in the future in accordance with this decision.
Ending the conflict, here and now, is possible. This is the desire and the will of Eta.

Euskal Herria, March 2006

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna


First, I published a homemade translation of the message. Now is the translation made by the BBC.


Anonymous said...

Con tranquilidad, que ahora llegaran los polilticos y lo joderan

Anonymous said...

Casi prefiero que haya atentados. Al menos el terrorismo era espaciado en el tiempo, porque llevamos dos dias de terrorismo mediatico-verbal que nos llevara al mismo lugar al que nos llevo la anterior tregua.

Darkhorse1974 said...

Otra tregua para restructurarse por todos los palos que les han dado, estos no van a cambiar nunca y ojala me equivoque
