Saturday, December 09, 2006

Three Things in the Life, a book, a tree, a baby. Part One: A book

Hello, everyone.

I will do this post in english because I promised someone to do it. Yesterday I was thinking about it. Do you know the idea of the three things? That, a person has three things to do in the life, write a book, plant a tree, have a baby. Yesterday I decided to follow the path. Of course, the baby is somethning that is not sure, not depends on me. But, just in case, I will start with the other things. And the first thing is the book. Of course, some people can say "hey, you're already writing a book" and they're right. The thesis will be between 300 and 400 pages long, if this is not a book..... But I will write a more intimate book, based in my own experiences. This is the only thing you'll know about it until it's finished but one important thing, the book is based on my experiences, so, some of you will appear there. And it will be funny look at your faces when you read it!!!

Now, in Spanish:

Hola a todo el mundo:

Sabeis esto de que una persona tiene que hacer tres cosas en la vida? Si, son escribir un libro, plantar un arbol y tener un hijo. Bien, he decidido seguir la idea. Evidentemente, no es seguro que lo consiga, lo del hijo es complicado y no depende de mi, pero por sea caso, he decidido comenzar escribiendo un libro. Habra gente que me dira: "Eh, tio tu ya estas escribiendo un libro." Y tienen razon. La tesis tendra entre 300 y 400 paginas y si eso no es un libro..... Pero he decidido escribir un libro mas intimo, basado en mis propias experiencias. Esta es la unica noticia que vais a tener de el hasta que lo termine, pero, como esta basado en mis experiencias, tengo que avisar que algunos de vosotros aparecereis en el. Y sera muy divertido veros las caras cuando lo leais!!!!


Darkhorse1974 said...

Jajaja, mae que miedo me das,jejeje, supongo que se incluiran las aventuras y excesos de un pueblo llamado Portu.

Darkhorse1974 said...

Por cierto zorionak!!

Egoitz said...


angela said...

thanks for the post...and hope that book is going well.