Thursday, March 30, 2006

Damn City

I left the Damn City by night, alone, under the rain, like a thief. I was walking down the streets, looking for the end of the agony. The city was dark, it was looking at me, and laughing. Like the last time, when I had to flee, beaten, humiliated, from this Damn City. I looked for a way to escape, it wasn't easy. All the roads were closed, all the people were unfriendly. The only way I found played with me the macabre game of make my desperation bigger. Minutes passed by, slowly, raindrops over my head, running, hiding, fighting to escape the Damn City.
I remember when the Damn City was my dream city. When all my goals lied in those streets, when all my dreams were living there. But you twisted those goals, you changed those dreams into nightmares. Damn you, Damn City. I flew, but you managed to bring me back. Once again, I was your prisoner, fighting against you in a fight that I couldn't win. But I was a fool. I believed that I was invencible against your weapons. I believed that I had the shield that would deflect all your blows. I believed, that time, I could win. And, of course, I didn't. In the middle of the fight, I realized that I wasn't invincible, that my shield was useless against you. But again, I faced you. And, again, you humiliated me.
Finally, I left the Damn City again. Again, I left it beaten full of grief and sorrow. Swallowing my anger and my pain. Again, Damn City, you won. I don't know if someday we'll fight again. But now, you won. You're the owner of the power. You, Damn City. And, sadly, I don't know If I'll be able to defeat you.........

I curse you, Damn City.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Permanent Ceasefire

This mornig, at 12:30h, ETA, Euskadi ta Askatasuna (Basque Land and Freedom) declared a permanent ceasefire to encourage the democratic process that is happening in the Basque Country to achieve peace. Here is the text in english of the communication of ETA declaring this permanent ceasefire:

Message from Euskadi Ta Askatasuna [Eta] to the Basque people.

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna has decided to declare a permanent ceasefire from 24 March 2006.
The aim of this decision is to promote a democratic process in Euskal Herria [the Basque Country] in order to build a new framework within which our rights as a people are recognised, and guarantee the opportunity to develop all political options in the future.
At the end of this process, Basque citizens must have a say on their future.
The Spanish and French states must recognise the results of this democratic process, without limitations of any kind. The decision we Basque citizens make on our future will have to be respected.
We call on all the interested parties to act responsibly and to be consistent with the step taken by Eta.
Eta calls on the Spanish and French authorities to respond positively to this new situation, leaving repression aside.
Lastly, we call on Basque men and women to get involved in this process and to fight for our rights as a people.
Eta is showing its desire and will for the process opened to reach its end, thereby achieving a truly democratic situation for Euskal Herria, ending the long years of conflict and building a peace based on justice.
We reaffirm our commitment to continue taking steps in the future in accordance with this decision.
Ending the conflict, here and now, is possible. This is the desire and the will of Eta.

Euskal Herria, March 2006

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna


First, I published a homemade translation of the message. Now is the translation made by the BBC.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Ok, We had enough of mental deviations of a mad mind, It's time for some social message.

Botellón. This is a spanish word that means literally "Huge Bottle". It represents the custom of the spanish youth people to meet in open spaces to drink alcohol. It's a form of social interaction where all the social constraints are left behind and where they can be wild and free. Of course, this is the perception of the people who participate in the "Botellón".
Bad side of this: Too much alcohol means health problems, fightings, civil disorder.

Since the government of the Popular Party in Spain, the Botellón is forbidden in some regions of the Country. In others is allowed and in other is in this lovely limbus of the "alegal". Why the "Botellón" was forbidden? The right wing policies implies a paternalistic point of view. Please, note the word PATERnalistic. It means that the young people don't know what to do with their lives and, therefore, they have to abide to old people rules. The PP believed that the Botellón was a harmful thing for the youth, so, instead of looking for solutions (another characteristic of the right wing policies) just forbade it. This social interaction mechanism, that was accepted by the spanish society, in its particular way of accepting things, was declared ilegal. All the youth who used to drink in the streets started to hide in houses, small alleys, they started to rent venues to drink, to have this moment of freedom, alone, in clandestinity and with fewer people than before.

Before going on, some acclarations. In Spain, comparing to other european countries, alcohol is relatively cheap. Wine is ridiculously cheap (Bad wine) and mixed with Coke, you'll have the most famous Basque cocktail (Kalimotxo or Calimocho), now is drunk all over Spain. The factors are: youth people (16-25 years old), low income and a great need of interaction with other youth people. More than an opportunity to get drunk, the Botellón is an great moment to try to impress this girl, or try to know some friends, or try to impress this boy..... Is much less violent to a youth get involved in this social manners in the Botellón than in a Bar or a Pub. And, finally, Bars and Pubs in Spain are mostly noisy and small places where the opportunities to talk and to interact are hampered, comparing to the Botellón. But, more important than this, in a Bar or a Pub the youth are not the owners of the situation. The mood depends of the Dj's music, and everything is finished when the bar is closed. The Botellón is a property of the youth. They decide when to start, when to finish, and How much to drink. It's their moment.

These days something strange is happening in Spain. Lots of youth people are meeting together to do Macro-Botellón. The right wing politicians started to say that this is an exercise of irresponsability. The government answered in different ways, depending of the place. In Madrid and Barcelona the police tried to stop it. In Granada, the council prepared a place to let the people meet. I think the Granada case is an example to follow. I see the Botellón as an exercise of rebellion. They need their moment, they need their place. And they will decide when and where. Of course, the Botellón has lots of bad things, like I exposed before, but they need it. They feel free. They are not asking for permission, they are creating and making a space to feel youth. They are, after all, opening spaces. All will finish with a big headache the next morning, or with a bunch of new friends, or with a new girlfriend or boyfriend. And, yes, maybe they will wake up in a hospital with too much alcohol in blood. But life goes on, years come and pass, and they will change they behaviour and they'll look for other spaces and other forms of creativity. Like we did before. This is a clear example of civil struggle, of civil society in direct conflict with the state to transform a system they feel unjust. Organized youth people in a ways never imagined before, looking for a change.

So, if you're in Spain and you feel youth, go to the Botellón. Maybe is not comparable to the cultural movements of the 60's, but is their movement. And that's why it needs all the support.

Botellón libre ya!!!

Parecidos Razonables.... Chapter uan. (one)

Hace poco, un buen hermano mio me ha dicho que estoy muy reflexivo. Es posible que tenga razon. Es mas, quiero que tenga razon. Por lo tanto, aqui va mi primer capitulo de parecidos razonables. Ayer tuve un momento agridulce, bien,vale, fue mas dulce que agrio, pero eso me lleva a pensar en el parecido existente entre......


¿En que se parece la vida a la comida china?
Veamos un ingrediente tipico de la comida china: La salsa agridulce. En la vida hay momentos agrios, dulces y momentos agridulces. Esto nos lleva a decir que la vida es agridulce. Ahora se le añade el elemento solido. Miramos nuestro zodiaco chino y.... et voila!!! Tenemos un plato de animal con salsa agridulce. Mi vida, por ejemplo es un plato de Conejo con Salsa Agridulce. Es cierto que hay gente que su vida es Rata con Salsa Agridulce, pero todo es probar. Si tienes suerte tu eres de los de Cerdo Agridulce.
Pero sigamos. Hay momentos exoticos, de los de Familia en el Nido u Hormigas en la Rama del Arbol, tambien hay momentos elegantes, con Ternera y Salsa de Ostras, divertidos, de rollitos de primavera y llenos de energia, como el arroz tres delicias.

Pero.... la vida tambien tiene momentos malos. Gambas Kompao con salsa picante o, mucho peor, cuando te sientes hecho un Chop-Suey.

Incluso un menu tipico en un restaurante chino es muy parecido al devenir de la vida:
Comienzas alegre, con un rollito de primavera. De niños tenemos nuestras primeras ilusiones y decepciones, por eso le ponemos Salsa Agridulce. Un dia, ves que hay gente de otro sexo por la calle. Te llenas de energia y estas creciendo, en todos los sentidos. Ese arroz tres delicias, con toda la excitacion del momento representa nuestra adolescencia. Ni que decir que un Kubak con Gambas hace nuestra vida mucho mas interesante. Sigamos. Hemos crecido, tenemos responsabilidades, buscamos algo solido. Pollo con Almendras. Nos empezamos a volver exquisitos. Pato estilo Pekin. Tenemos nuestros momentos de dolor. Gambas Kompao. Para representar todas las decepciones de la vida y la dieta de los ultimos años, Chop-Suey de verduras. Y como termina nuestra vida? Mas quemados que la moto de un hippy. Platano flambeado,o Helado Frito, que es como estamos todos en la vejez.
Pagas, te mueres.....

Y viene el camarero e invita a chupitos para brindar a tu salud. Licor de lagarto. La vida misma.

Asi que ya sabeis, la proxima vez que vayais a un restaurante chino... pensad en el sentido de la vida.

I like Chinese...... I like Chinese..... They only come up to you knees, Yet they're always friendly and they're ready to to please.......

Thursday, March 16, 2006

What happens when you're a good guy....

What happens when you're a good guy?????

Nothing good, really.
The girl you want doesn't like you.
The people you trust only try to take advantage of it.
Your family don't like your way and tell you: Don't be a good guy!!!!

So, what're the options???

Of course, the most obvious is to be a mean guy.

The girl you want will like you
The people you trust will never try to get an advantage over you.
Your family will tell you: Yes, this life is hard, you have to be that way.

But, for me, I'll try to be as always, a good guy.

Because the girl I like will never find a guy who love her more than me
Because the people I trust will never have the support they have in me
Because my family like me this way

And, more important, love is the only thing that make us remember....
And love
Love could only be given if your a good person....
That's why I want to be a good guy
That's why I'm a good guy
Because I want to.

I love you.